Friday, December 23, 2016

What About Harm Reduction?

Currently we have a Recovery Resource Center and we will soon have a 16 bed Detox center, we have a couple of sober living houses all of which is a start in our community


What about REAL Harm Reduction here?

Let's start that conversation can we?

First drug addiction and homelessness go together. Right
now many churches are providing meals, blankets, coats, hat's, scarves, gloves and warm clothing SO what about combining all of the basic needs into harm reduction?

1. What about a place where addicts can go to safely use?

This paraphernalia was found on a s
treet in Martinsburg 
I know this idea sounds crazy but currently they are using in unsafe places. They are already overdosing in run down motels, in a car, inside of and behind stores, in store parking lots, on the streets. And yes, they often die right in their home or yours too.

What if there was a safe haven? A place to come and safely use? Maybe there wouldn't be so many dirty needles disposed around town, in the streets, in the parking lots and in the parks.

Dirty syringes lying around everywhere, found in backyards by little children and being mishandled can lead to public safety crisis!

A safe place that is closely monitored would give them a place to come without fear. YES, this should also include counseling and handing out information and material about treatment, detox, rehabilitation, mental health etc...

I have read the statistics for bigger cities who offer Safe Places and their numbers of overdoses have decreased as well as the numbers of those who are dying from overdose.

A. This should include Free condoms, clean syringes for single use, alcohol wipes and swabs.

B. A means for those addicted to drop off dirty needles and syringes. Currently they throw them on the streets, in the parks, in parking lots etc... Give them a means of disposing their used needles so they don't have to throw them on the streets.

C. A Free Clinic: To offer some screenings such as for HIV and AIDS, blood pressure screenings, testing blood sugar levels, HEP screens, etc...

2. What about a 24/7 DROP OFF BOX for people to drop off old, unused prescriptions.

We currently only have that available two days a year in October for National Drop Off Day. In this crisis National Drop off old prescriptions day should be everyday twenty four hours, seven days a week.

A. Make sure this box is secured with only one person having access. Transparency. A few I have talked with said they don't drop off unused prescriptions because they cannot trust those who watch over the DROP OFF box.

There is more to harm reduction, but these are a few ideas from reading other websites and this is a start.

The pic used belongs to Dee Stotlemyer Pierce, President of the WV Chapter of Biker's Against Heroin

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