Thursday, July 14, 2016

Challenge Myself: Day #32 The Gift of Life- Organ Donation

Today is Day #32 of our Nar Anon Group Just For Today Challenge. I am also integrating the Live Happy into my Challenge. The Live Happy Challenge for today is about giving the ultimate gift, the gift of life.

The book says,

You won't be using your body after it's breathed it's last breath, so why not save someone's life through donation of your vital organs? How about giving a blind person the gift of sight or a burn
patient tissue?

You can sign up with the organ registry of your state and by letting the Department of Motor Vehicles know your wishes the next time you renew your license. Registering to be an organ donor is easy and can make a huge difference for an individual fighting for life as well as that person's family.

Even though organ donation has long been a taboo topic for cultural and religious reasons, most of the world's great religious traditions accept it. Live happier knowing that at your life's end, the organs you no longer need can give someone else a fighting chance to live.

If you want to give the gift of life visit, Donate Life WV or you can choose to do so when renewing your drivers license at the DMV.

Just For Today: I appreciate the life I've been given.

From the book:  Live Happy
pic from: Donate life

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